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When you understand personality preferences, you can more readily appreciate differences between you and people closest to you, such as spouses, partners, children, and friends. In most areas of life, when differences between you and another person are bothersome, you can avoid the other person in some way. But when that person is a loved one or close friend, you have a lot to lose by walking away.
Knowledge of personality type allows you to see those differences as just those—different ways of “being.” Instead of labeling a person and putting value judgments on his or her behavior, you can learn to see it as behavior reflecting personality type, not something designed to offend you. Many couples learn to appreciate these differences and may even see them in a humorous light.
Religious organizations, as well as independent counselors, commonly use the MBTI instrument for premarital counseling. This allows a new couple to identify areas of difference that may cause conflict. The respect created by this awareness can go a long way in weathering married life.
In marital counseling, the use of type can create neutral ground, a nonjudgmental language for discussing misunderstandings and irritations. Change in a relationship can begin when there is respect for the qualities of each partner. Even when a relationship is ending in divorce, understanding the influence of type can lead to a much more amicable process and provide a less blaming perspective for what happened.
Knowledge of type preferences can also help couples and families negotiate differences in several key approaches to lifestyle, intimacy, division of chores, managing money, and other areas of potential conflict.